
The Mischief Continues - It's Almost Here!

Brian, David and Simon Bradberrie return in part 2 of their Alien Adventure. The wait for "Alien Shenanigans" is almost over! Unexplainable trouble with a classroom science experiment leads our three brothers on a secret mission that will inevitably find them in more disastrous circumstances.

More science experiments, more humour and a lot more out of this world fun.

There is trouble afoot in Mr Haggardy's classroom. Yes, this time we meet Brian's year 6 classroom teacher. (More about him later).  An unexplainable explosion in a science experiment wreaks havoc once again and Principal Penwright knows exactly who to blame! Can Brian and his brothers solve the mystery before the snooping Mrs Witherbottom discovers the unbelievable truth behind all the shenanigans?

The fearsome Principal Penwright returns and so too, does the boys nosy next door neighbour, Mrs Witherbottom.  What could possibly  happen to her this time?

Mischief and mayhem abounds whenever they are all involved. The school is a disaster zone but is it really the Bradberrie brothers fault this time?

Alien Shenanigans - The Bradberrie Brothers Alien Adventure. Book 2. Is coming very soon!

Alien Shenanigans_cover_FNL  (Click on link to reveal cover)

If you haven't read Book 1, "Gingerbread Aliens," now is your chance before "Alien Shenanigans" is released. I promise you'll laugh from beginning to end.