
A New Year : A Time For Reflection.

With the beginning of a new year, many people I know, (particularly my author friends), start to reflect on the year that has been and the year that is emerging before them. It’s a time to consider past successes and mistakes and see what may be learned from those experiences. It’s also a time to set new goals for the year. I’m not one to dwell too much on the past or the future. I’ve learnt to live in the present, enjoy each day as it comes and to stop and smell the roses so to speak. That being said, my blogging buddies have decided to share their reflections this year, and so have I. At the bottom of this post you will find links to each of their thoughtful reflections. I hope you read theirs when you have finished reading mine and then perhaps spend a few moments on your own reflections.

My wish for you in 2023 is that it is a great chapter, full of love, laughter, adventure and good health.

How would you describe 2022 in one word?

That takes some thought. I’m not sure I chose a word at the beginning of 2022, and I’m still contemplating my word for 2023. On reflection last years word should probably have been Strength. I certainly needed a lot of that to see me through the year. Determination might have been another good word for 2022, or perhaps Focus which I have used in the past, but they all lead me to one specific word - Health.

For further explanation, I answer the following questions.

What was your biggest challenge last year? How did you overcome it? What life lessons did you learn from the experience that you will take with you in the new year?

This is where things get really personal. I’m a very private person. I don’t share my private life much on social media, but my biggest challenge last year was facing mine and my husbands health issues.

I started the year with my Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis, in shock, but determined to not let it defeat me. My health became my number one priority. I embarked on an exercise regime thanks to my amazing physiotherapist and the reading I did to learn more about this disease. I now structure my day around my daily walk, a Parkinson’s Boxing class and daily Tai chi or Quigong. When I feel I need a litle extra boost I add the exercises my physio gave me to the routine. These exercises were once a necessary daily activity, but with the improvement in my strength, balance and coordination, they are no longer needed, as long as I maintain the walking, boxing and tai chi and of course, my medication. I am fortunate in that I have worked so hard at this that my physio now says I am in better shape in my 50’s than many people in their 30’s, and I intend to keep it that way.

I can’t remember where I first read this, but it has become my mantra.

The other health issue that came as a major shock was the stroke my hubby then suffered in August. He was far more fortunate than most, in that he has recovered quickly, it was not as severe as it could have been. However his sight has been effected, and much to our frustration, we are still waiting for it to recover enough for him to have permission to drive again. As I have not driven for many years, this diagnosis has proven a difficult one for us to come to terms with. Living out of town, we require my son and his wife to drive us wherever we need to go. This is a limitation that we both sincerely hope will soon pass.

The biggest lesson to take from all this, is that your health is the most important thing to look after. Everything else is second to your health, and your family.

Describe your happiest day in 2022. What can you do to have more days like that?

Despite all we went through, there were many happy days, most of which centres around family. My eldest son, his wife and my grandson visited from Perth twice, and I visited them in December too. Being able to spend time with my grandchildren always makes me happy. It’s all the little moments that add up. The smiles, the cuddles, the love that surrounds us is more than I can ask for.

Hubby and I also had a wonderful holiday in Tasmania, (before he wasn’t allowed to drive). I had been planning a road trip to Tasmania as research for the setting of my 4th book in my Adamson Adventures. While I loved every minute we explored the Apple Isle, my happiest day there was waking to the blanket of snow that encompassed us at the lodge at Cradle Mountain. Snow is so peaceful, soft, gentle and quiet as it falls. It produces a magnificent winter wonderland upon the landscape. I adore being out in nature, and walking in the snow was a major highlight, although all the rainforest walks we did in Tassie were magnificent.

I am sure there will be many happy family days this year, especially with two of my grandchildren living right next door. I consider myself lucky to be able to see them every day. As for holidays and nature walks. I hope hubby’s eyesight will continue to improve so that one day soon, we may plan our next trip.

What do you regret doing - or not doing- last year that you plan to stop/start doing in the new year?

This quote has always resonated with me. It’s ok to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them.

As I said, I don’t dwell in the past, there is no point having regrets. We all learn from our mistakes, and move forward accordingly.. Our health and family will remain our priority.

I did plan on writing that fourth book once we were home from Tasmania, however that didn’t happen. My plan is to focus on it this year. So stay tuned, let’s see if I can get it done.

What are you most grateful for last year? What are you most excited about for this year?

I am most grateful that my hubby recovered quickly. It was a major scare, but he is ok, I still have him.

Finding time to write my MG novel and maybe even publish a picture book this year is exciting. I did manage to focus some time on a couple of PBs last year, one of which I believe is ready for publication. I submitted it to publishers last year, with not much success even though a manuscript assessment was very encouraging. Since then I have re-worked it even more to the point where I am excited to self publish it now and get it into the hands of little readers and their parents.

Even before my diagnosis, Michael J Fox has always been my hero. I couldn’t agree with him more, there is always so much to be grateful for.

I hope reading my reflections has encouraged you to do the same.

What has the past year taught you?

What do you have planned for 2023?

I would love to hear from you. Comments can be left below.

Don’t forget for more inspiration to read the posts from my friends. Links are below.

Julie Gorges

Rosie Russell

Rebecca Lyndsey

Carmela Dutra

A Few Favourite Quotes to Live by in the New Year

As a writer, I have always found this first quote to be particularly apt.

With the New Year, comes new beginnings, new prospects and new hope. We begin a new chapter in our lives each year as the page turns from 31st December to 1st January. It is up to us to write our own story, with adventure, laughter, and love. We are the hero in our own journey as we face challenges head-on to overcome them. We can choose to be positive and resilient, determined and fearless but always remembering that all heroes make mistakes or fail in their first few attempts. A new year is a chance to try again and never give up.

I recently saw a cartoon/meme, I can’t remember the complete quote, but the gist of it was, if you want flowers tomorrow, plant seeds today. In other words, do the work now to plan for the future. This resonated with me quite a lot, our future happiness and contentment comes from within ourselves. If you hope to grow or change in anyway, it is up to you to make the effort. That lead me to this next new year quote.

It is up to you to make the year and years ahead to be the best you can make them. My inspirational word for this year is ‘Balance,’ in my life, my writing, my family and my health. I bring to the new year a balanced attitude that will help me make time for all of these things in a relaxed, stress free manner. I am learning not to put pressure on myself to be everything to everyone, to slow down and take my time, which also means less social media, less writing workshops that have been consuming too much of my time and focussing on what is most important to me without suffering FOMO.

Which brings me to my final quote, and possibly the most important one. It summarises all of my thoughts and wishes for you all this new year.

Lastly, I watched a video the other day about the band ‘The Monkees,’ they were a TV show and a group I loved to watch over and over again in my youth, their music was such fun. When I listen to their songs today, I still have a feeling of warmth, a smile on my face and I can’t stop singing along. At the end of the program Peter Tork made a comment that resonated with me. I would like to leave you with this thought - ‘You are the hero of your own journey, so make it a good one.’

If you found theses quotes helpful, I would like to invite you to explore a few more from fellow writers listed below.

What New Year quotes resonates most with you and why?

Julie Gorges

Rebecca Lyndsey

Rosie Russell

Cat Michael

James Milson

Carmela Dutra