
A Few Favourite Quotes to Live by in the New Year

As a writer, I have always found this first quote to be particularly apt.

With the New Year, comes new beginnings, new prospects and new hope. We begin a new chapter in our lives each year as the page turns from 31st December to 1st January. It is up to us to write our own story, with adventure, laughter, and love. We are the hero in our own journey as we face challenges head-on to overcome them. We can choose to be positive and resilient, determined and fearless but always remembering that all heroes make mistakes or fail in their first few attempts. A new year is a chance to try again and never give up.

I recently saw a cartoon/meme, I can’t remember the complete quote, but the gist of it was, if you want flowers tomorrow, plant seeds today. In other words, do the work now to plan for the future. This resonated with me quite a lot, our future happiness and contentment comes from within ourselves. If you hope to grow or change in anyway, it is up to you to make the effort. That lead me to this next new year quote.

It is up to you to make the year and years ahead to be the best you can make them. My inspirational word for this year is ‘Balance,’ in my life, my writing, my family and my health. I bring to the new year a balanced attitude that will help me make time for all of these things in a relaxed, stress free manner. I am learning not to put pressure on myself to be everything to everyone, to slow down and take my time, which also means less social media, less writing workshops that have been consuming too much of my time and focussing on what is most important to me without suffering FOMO.

Which brings me to my final quote, and possibly the most important one. It summarises all of my thoughts and wishes for you all this new year.

Lastly, I watched a video the other day about the band ‘The Monkees,’ they were a TV show and a group I loved to watch over and over again in my youth, their music was such fun. When I listen to their songs today, I still have a feeling of warmth, a smile on my face and I can’t stop singing along. At the end of the program Peter Tork made a comment that resonated with me. I would like to leave you with this thought - ‘You are the hero of your own journey, so make it a good one.’

If you found theses quotes helpful, I would like to invite you to explore a few more from fellow writers listed below.

What New Year quotes resonates most with you and why?

Julie Gorges

Rebecca Lyndsey

Rosie Russell

Cat Michael

James Milson

Carmela Dutra