The Importance of Reading Aloud.

Royalla Roundup Community Country FairThe one main take home message I gained from having a stall at our community fair the other month came from discussions with parents as they looked at my books. I realised that parents still don't understand the importance of reading aloud to their child no matter the age. This has also been confirmed during my days working in the gift shop at Cullen Bay Darwin and selling my books during the book launch there as well. "What age is this book appropriate for?

"My child is only in kindergarten, she can't read that herself yet."

Time and time again it has become obvious that parents are still not getting the importance of shared reading aloud with their children.

Teachers can only do so much in the classroom when it comes to teaching reading, the fundamental Cullen Bay book aunchbuilding blocks of language have to be established in the family home. Reading together from birth stimulates the brain and enables significant connections to be made that develop the foundations for literacy.

Reading out loud to a child during the early pre-school years not only gives you a wonderful opportunity to snuggle with your children and show them how much you love them, it also allows you time to demonstrate a number of pre-reading language skills.

Picture books like "Emma the Eager Emu" provide a wealth of opportunities. 1. You model reading with great enthusiasm and expression. 2. Reading alliteration helps teach that language is made up of individual sounds not just words and syllables. 3. Repetition increases familiarity and produces opportunities for guessing what might happen next? 4. Vibrant illustrations allow for discussions and further language learning. 5. The more often you read, the more they will make the pre-reading connections such as which way up the book should be, front to back, words flow left to right and top to bottom to tell the story. 6. They will also realise the significance of the pictures in the story telling too. A picture truly can be worth a thousand words. 7. Increases empathy and understanding of the world around them. 8. Extends their vocabulary.

Once children reach that early independent reading level, parents seem to think their child needs to do it all alone. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Books like Gingerbread Aliens and Alien Shenanigans might be early independent chapter books but they are still excellent resources for sharing reading out loud together. Your 6 - 10 year old still needs you! 1. They still need to hear modeled reading out loud for expression. 2. It can be fun to share a humorous chapter book with your child. 3. It opens opportunities for discussion when you read together. 4. It provides opportunities to discuss any words they may have difficulty reading or understanding. 5. You can determine through questions whether they have comprehended what they have read. 6. If you read a book just above their level of ability, you extend their comprehension and vocabulary. 7. It builds wonderful memories of special time spent together reading and sharing no matter their age.

If you enjoyed reading this post and are interested in joining a discussion on helping parents, grandparents and other carers with encouraging children to read, please come and join us in my new group forum Raising Awesome Readers I'd be happy to see you there, I look forward to more people becoming involved in our chats and spreading the word on the importance of reading aloud.

How often do you read aloud with your child? What are you doing to build fond memories with them no matter what their age? What are you reading with them to help expand their vocabulary?

Delightful Bedtime Story for Preschoolers

This week I was asked by fellow author Charity Tober if I would review her children's picture book "Roly Poly Monster."

This review is from: Roly-Poly Monster (Kindle Edition) Roly Poly Monster

Roly Poly Monster is a wonderfully cute character that many preschoolers would relate to. He is a typical mischievous monster similar to any 3 or 4 year old child that is in a rush to get outside to play and explore. Each monster in the family is individually unique and they reflect their parenting role in a loving and nurturing manner. The illustrations are vivid and encourage a child's imagination as they draw the child into the story. There is plenty of opportunity for discussion and learning of vocabulary as the little monster rolls about his day, from playground to beach, through the city and even jumping in puddles! This would make the book an excellent tool for preschool reading time as there are so many wonderful items to point out on every page. Things like the seahorse and the crab, or even the monster train in the city which is rather adorable. The ending makes it perfect for a bedtime story, I can image a parent reading this to a tired toddler after their busy day and using it to settle them down to sleep.

My only difficulty with this book was the white writing that blended into the pictures on a couple of the pages. However, I am sure this would soon be overcome as the story became more familiar with repeated reading and I'm certain it is one that toddlers would request to be read to them again and again.

Cool Classroom Science - Make and Erupt a Volcano

A couple of weeks ago I made a paper mache volcano and erupted it during my book launch at the Paperchain Book Store in Manuka, Canberra. Why would I do this? Mr Haggardy's year 6 class all make their own volcanoes and attempt to erupt them in the first chapter of "Alien Shenanigans," The Bradberrie Brothers Alien Adventure, Book 2. I promised to perform the experiment while reading part of the first chapter at the launch. It was a lot of fun, although I do admit, owing to the nervousness of the manager of the bookstore, I kept the explosion somewhat more controlled than I (and my audience) would have preferred. Below are the instructions for how to make a paper mache volcano and how to consequently erupt it!

Beware! The more baking soda you use, the bigger the reaction!

The Making of a Paper Mache Volcano

  1. Find a suitable disposable plate to build your volcano on. (I used an aluminium pizza tray)
  2. Find a cylindrical tube you can use in the centre of your volcano to hold the liquids for your experiment. (For this I used an empty Berocca container)
  3. Gather strips of newspaper.
  4. Make glue from 1 cup flour, a little water and a pinch of salt to preserve volcano. Mix to a thick pancake like consistency.
  5. Place your cylinder in the middle of your plate start adding strips of newspaper dipped in paste. Continue to add layers until volcano takes shape. Sometimes I feel it is best to paint the strips of paper with the paste when on the volcano rather than dipping into the mixture. (This is less messy).
  6. Leave to dry. Depending on the weather this may take a few days. If it is cold, place in front of a fire to dry faster.
  7. Once fully dry and hardened, paint as desired.Paper mache volcano

Erupting A Paper Mache Volcano

You will need:

  • Water
  • Liquid Soap
  • Vinegar
  • Food Colouring
  • Baking Soda


  1. Fill centre of volcano halfway with water.
  2. Add a couple of drops of food colouring. (ie: red and yellow if you want orange lava)
  3. Add a few drops of liquid soap.
  4. Now fill the volcano almost to the top with vinegar.
  5. Add a heaped teaspoon of baking soda and stand back!

Watch your volcano erupt!

[videojs height="400" webm="" poster=""]

Five Fun Facts About Kookaburras

Last week I wrote 5 Fun Facts about Emus, as Emma the Eager Emu was the star of the first book launch last Saturday morning. This week, with one more book launch to go on Friday night, it is Kelly the Kookaburra's turn to share some fascinating key facts about herself. In last weeks post I mentioned that  emus like to steal food from unsuspecting picnickers and campers, which leads me to my first fascinating fact about kookaburras.DSCN0249

1. Did you know that Kookaburras are the largest member of the Kingfisher family? So you would expect them to eat fish, but they don't. Kookaburras much prefer worms, insects, mice and even snakes and lizards. They particularly  like to dive from high in a nearby gum tree and swoop down to steal a sausage or two from your BBQ. (Maybe the sausages look a bit like a snake or lizard sizzling on the hot plate). Kookaburras don't need to drink as they get all the water they need from their food.

2. Kookaburras live in native bushland all over Australia but also among our many coastal towns and cities. It is easy to see them regularly around your backyard especially if you frequently feed them a bit of raw mince meat by leaving the meat out in a bird feeder or on your verandah railing. They will get rather demanding though so don't start this habit unless you are prepared to do it everyday. Note: Like most native wild birds it is best to let Kookaburras find their own food, not become reliant on people.

3. All throughout the Australian Bush you can hear kookaburras call out in the early morning or towards the evening. Their unusual call sounds more like a great big belly laugh as if something has really amused them, but they are not really laughing at all, they are actually telling other kookaburras that this is their territory.

4. Kookaburras live in families just like us. They mate for life and raise a family together, with the older siblings helping to raise the younger babies. Chicks are born blind and with absolutely no feathers which take a month to grow. (No wonder they need help from their older brothers and sisters.)

5. Most people see the common kookaburra around their homes, however further north and close to the coast is also the blue winged kookaburra aptly named for the colour in its wings. They are both 47 cm (18.5 inches) long and weigh about 0.5 kg (1 lb), interestingly that means a kookaburra weighs about as much as an emus egg!

Here is a link to a video you can watch and hear a kookaburra laugh.

Laughing Kookaburra call

Added Bonus

"Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree" is a well known old song that was taught as a round to kids in schools all over Australia for many years. Below is a link to a version of the original song being played in a round and a second link to the words of all the verses of the song (with a few extras that have been added over the years).

Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree song

The words to Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree.

Five Fun Facts About Emus

With my book launch almost here, for both "Emma the Eager Emu" and "Alien Shenanigans" meaning double the fun with double the books launched! I thought it was time to have a fun look at a few fascinating facts about emus.  20150514_165618-1

My very first memory of an encounter with an actual live emu was when I was ten years old and I visited Symbio or what it was then called, Helensburgh Zoo, nestled in a quiet little town in the middle of Sydney's Royal National Park. We were having a picnic lunch, (as you do) and I was happily eating my sandwhich, (most likely vegemite) when I turned away to look at a friendly hairy nose wombat that came wobbling towards me. Next thing I knew, an emu had snuck up from behind and stretched out its long neck and snatched my sandwhich from my grasp.

This leads me to fun fact no 1.

1. Emus love to steal food from unsuspecting picnicers and campers. If Emus are around when you are eating, keep an eye on your food at all times!

2. Emus have rather long necks and very sharp beaks which they can use to their advantage when sneaking up to steal your food.

3. Emus have big beady eyes, (all the better to see your food with). These eyes have two different eyelids. One is used for blinking just like you and me, the other is used to keep out the dust, and it gets very dusty in the Australian Outback.

4. An emus egg is enormous! They are very thick shelled, dark green and weigh about 1/2kg or 1lb. After the mother lays 7 or 8 eggs, it is actually the daddy who sits on them to keep them warm until they hatch.  20150514_164223-1The illustrated emu egg pictured here has been hand painted by an Indigenous Australian, beside it lays a chicken egg for you to compare their size.

5. The emu is the tallest bird in Australia, second only in the world to the Ostrich. An emu stands up to 2m tall or almost 6.5 feet, so her legs are very, very long! In fact she can run so fast, she has been said to "run the pants off a kangaroo!"

Below is the link to the Wiggles performing the classic song "Old Man Emu" who can "Run the pants off a kangaroo!" Love It hope you do too! :)

Old Man Emu by the Wiggles.

Don't forget the book launches.

1. Paperchain Manuka (Canberra) 11:00 am Saturday 16th May 15

2. Shine Gifts Cullen Bay (Darwin) 5-9 pm, Friday 22nd May 15


Book Launch!

The time has finally arrived!

It's time to celebrate the release of not one but two new books!

Alien Shenanigans and Emma the Eager Emu

With that comes not one but two fantastic book launches!

As most of my readers know I am living a bit of a nomadic life these days living between two homes in two beautiful cities of our magnificent country. Therefore I am lucky to be able to have a book launch in both cities.

The first will be held in Canberra for those of you down south. It will be held at the same gorgeous book store that supported me so welcomingly by holding my first book launch for Gingerbread Aliens.

Saturday 16th May 2015 11:00 am Paperchain Book store 34 Franklin St Manuka ACT.

The second book launch will be held in Darwin for those of you living in the Top End. This one will be held by the fabulously supportive friends at Shine Gifts Cullen Bay and the Waterfront during their fantastic Friday night champagne shopping.

Friday 22nd May 2015 5-9 pm, Shine Gifts 63 Marina Blvd Cullen Bay NT.

Parents, Grandparents, teachers, Aunts and Uncles come along join in the fun and listen to me read from both these delightful new books.

Emma the Eager Emu is a wonderfully illustrated picture book. I hope to have its illustrator Dianna Budd, join me in Canberra. This book is ideal for pre-school and the early years of school. There is so much that can be discussed from reading this story as children learn all about patience, persistence and never giving up.

Copyright Sandra Bennett and Dianna Budd

Here's what one happy mum had to say about the book -Helen Jones Hazlewood Emma and I read Emma the Eager Emu last night and we loved it! The illustrations are stunning, the story is simple and appealing, with us quickly both saying "one, two, three look at me..." together each time. I loved that it has a great messsge too - it prompted a good discussion about how we all have our talents and things we aren't so great at, and that's OK. Thanks for another wonderful book!

Alien Shenanigans_cover_FNL_001Alien Shenanigans is the long awaited part two of the Bradberrie brothers adventure with aliens. If you enjoyed all the mayhem and mix-ups in Gingerbread Aliens, you will find more explosions and mischief in this one. There are more science experiments for the classroom as well. Teaching opportunities arise with the simple to read text allowing for easy comprehension activities for early and reluctant readers. Fun and laughter abounds assuring even the most reluctant reader will want to continue all the way to the end.


If you can't make it to either of the book launches, both books are available from this website, as well as both above mentioned bookstores, and Harry Hartog Woden. Emma the Eager Emu is also available from the National Botanic Gardens, Canberra and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.

A Great Day at the Fair.

The Royalla Roundup proved to be a fantastic Fair day, celebrated and enjoyed by all community members, neighbours, friends and visitors. Everyone who came was welcome to share in the delights of the fabulous Autumn weather as well as the country air and atmosphere. Initially I was a a little concerned when we drove down to "the Common" to set up as a typical gorgeous crisp, clear Royalla morning had turned bleak with a thick fog that had rolled in across the hills. We could hardly see the road in front of us as we drove down into the valley. This was not a good sign, but I should have known better. A thick morning fog in the valley always means a very still day and by the time the fair was declared open at 10.00 am the morning had cleared, the sun shone bright to a perfect day.

Visitors soon filled the adjoining paddock carpark to overflow capacity as the air was filled with the sounds of children laughing, and the aroma of freshly baked bacon and egg rolls. As the day progressed children ran around with brightly painted faces eating pink fairy floss on sticks while parents listened to the wonderful sounds of the musicians performing in the amphitheatre under the shade of the trees in the elm grove.

I later asked a neighbour's son which of all the rides was he favourite? He couldn't decide between the mechanical bucking bull, (which he had 3 turns of and only fell off once!) or the pony ride.  The fact that he could also remember that the mechanical bull's name was "Kevin" but had trouble remembering the name of the pony, hinted to me just which one might have truly been his favourite. :) There was also a jumping castle and animals to pat in the petting zoo, but the cutest of all to me were the baby alpacas. If only I could talk my hubby into letting me have one or two on our land...mmmm.....will work on that!

DSCN0178A huge thank you to all those lovely parents, families and friends who came by my stall to chat, support me and purchase a book or two. You are all wonderful and I appreciate you all very much. :) I hope you enjoy reading the books with your children and ask if you would kindly take the time to write a review and send it to me either here on my website, via email or on Amazon once they are listed there. Struggling authors always need good reviews to help spread the word.


DSCN0185My table was nestled under the shade of the beautiful elm trees amongst all the other lovely arts and crafts, the path lead to the children's craft tables where they could create easter activities and other crafts before the path eventually finished near the logs to view the musicians and at one time a spectacular magician. I looked out towards the Rural Fire Services truck and helicopter DSCN0183where children spent a delightful time looking at all the equipments and could ask the usual array of inquisitive questions that all budding "fireman" at that tender young age tend to do.

Naturally, mums and dads were not forgotten. There were plenty of shiny old cars on display. Farm equipment and machinery to learn about, all your septic tank and storm water issues could be answered, gardenimg supplies were plentiful, not to mention an abundance of secondhand books and clothing to peruse.

Batch of aliensMy "Gingerbread Alien" cookies were another yummy take home delicious treat to be saved and eaten while reading the newest exciting chapter in the 'Bradberrie Brothers Alien Adventure" series. I was both surprised and delighted to meet several families who walked past and noticed my original book, "Gingerbread Aliens" then realised part two was now released. It was music to this author's ears to hear children ask their parents if they could  "please have the next book." They just had to find out what was going to happen next in Alien Shenanigans!

Emma the Eager Emu was the most popular of all three of my books. Some of the lovely feedback was that it was wonderful to find a book written about Australian animals, these are very hard to find, we don't have near enough of them. Mind you I think a lot of it has to do with the amazing illustrations my fabulous illustrator has done for me. Dianna Budd has made my bird characters come to life with charm and humour. I adore them. :) 15Thiis afternoon we met for a cuppa where I had the opportunity to tell Dianna how much everyone adored her illustrations. We agreed we perhaps need to get to work on the next book.

Once again I would like to thank the Royalla Roundup committee for the opportunity for me to be involved in the inaugural country living fair and hope that the community has rallied together to raise enough funds to begin the building of our community centre. I look forward to many years ahead meeting more and more neighbours during gatherings in our upcoming newly built shed.

For those of you still waiting for the books to come on-line so that you may purchase a copy via my website, I appreciate your patience. My son is working on it, and promises to have all the kinks worked out within the next few days. A busy Uni schedule has held him up, my sincere apologies.

Alien Shenanigans_cover_FNL_001Alien Shenanigans and

Copyright Sandra Bennett and Dianna Budd

Emma the Eager Emu will be available here. Please stay tuned!






Join us at the Fair!

If you live in Canberra and don't mind a short drive into the country why not join some amazing, friendly people this weekend at the Royalla Roundup Country Living Fair on Sunday 29th March, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. The weather promises to be perfect for a day outdoors in the sun. Royalla Roundup

Come along, join in the fun, meet the locals, pat some animals,  chat to a neighbour or two, and even  meet this resident author. There are plenty of things to do for all the family. Take a walk among the elm grove, delight in the arts/crafts, learn a thing or two about the native plants, purchase garden supplies, admire the farm machinery and shiny cars and so much more.

It will also be your first opportunity to purchase my two new children's books "Alien Shenanigans" and "Emma the Eager Emu." Along with my original short chapter book for early and reluctant readers, "Gingerbread Aliens." I will be their to sign any copies purchased.

Alien Shenanigans_cover_FNL_001








Bring fun and laughter to your children's Easter this year as you read aloud the Bradberrie Brothers continued adventure. Science and curiosity collide as mix ups, mischief and mayhem explode. Mrs Witherbottoms returns to get in the way. Principal Penwright is on the war path ..... again and the classroom teacher, Mr Haggardy, is not happy! Who is truly behind all the shenanigans this time?

The following is a Pre-release review kindly written by Leonie MacDonald:
Coordinator Relax Kids Canberra
Editor Birth Journeys-Positive Stories to Encourage and Inspire
Emma the Eager Emu is a wonderful story to read aloud to children with vibrant illustrations of the native Australian bird characters.  With plenty of repetition and opportunities for children to predict what is going to

Copyright Sandra Bennett and Dianna Budd

happen next this book is ideal for the classroom and shared reading with the young reader. Emma the Eager Emu’s story provides an opportunity to talk with children about how we are all different and we have different strengths, how we can encourage each other and keep trying when something is important to us, and how sometimes we just have to think a little differently to find the solution to our problems. Emma the eager emu shows children that they don’t have to be like everyone else to be happy and achieve their dreams. There are so many positive messages packed into this story.

 Aiden (age 5): My favourite part was Rosie Rosella because of her rainbow feathers.
“what is the story about?” If you run really fast it can feel like you’re flying.

 Review by Leonie MacDonald
Come join us at the Fair!
I hope to see you there! :)


Emma the Eager Emu Cover Reveal and Reviews

My brand new picture book "Emma the Eager Emu" should arrive by the end of this week! I'm feeling so excited I can't wait to finally see her in print.  It's time to reveal to you the amazing front cover that my wonderful friend an illustrator, Dianna Budd produced from my ramblings. I am so proud to introduce to you Emma the Eager Emu in all her glory as she so well deserves. :) Copyright Sandra Bennett and Dianna Budd

Emma won her first award as a children's story in an online competition back in 2012 and has been eagerly awaiting to come to life in illustrated form ever since. I am so glad I was fortunate to meet Dianna at another author's book launch about twelve months ago. I sent her the manuscript which she instantly adored. We started talking about options and Emma's journey to illustrated birth began. Below are a few of the reviews Emma received at the time of winning the competition.


This story has a wonderfully, well-written allegory that focuses on differences between people (birds) and which teaches us to appreciate those differences. The moral is subtle, and although probably written for a younger audience, it has such a crisp charm that older readers cannot help but to admire the tale.

Each line seemed to flow seamlessly into the next, and I know that is not as easy as it seems. It requires practice and a fair measure of God-given skill to produce.

The writing was quite beautiful in its clarity and simplicity:

"Rosella screeched. Yellow Crested Cockatoo squawked and Pink Galah squealed."

The above is a prime example of what I mean. It is fresh, descriptive and economical and yet when read, it seems full-bodied and charming. The the moral is only a simple one, it is the form and style of your writing that elevates this tale to a high place.

Ah, if we were all as successful as Emma at rationalizing our shortcomings. There are at least a couple ways to approach your tale. To some readers, they will see her "flight" as championing her strengths, while readers that are more cynical, will see it as her glossing over her failures. Not that any of that matters here, for it is the writing itself that is the highlight of this story and that is exceptional.  - Tiggy

Cute story. It teaches to never give up, just keep trying and you'll succeed. I love children's stories. I am going to read your story to my granddaughter. She'll love it!  - Jeannie

Such a cute tale! I loved reading this! It's a great children's story as it teaches a lesson in a fun way. I like the repetition too. A really great children's story. I really liked the variety of birds you've included in the story. It makes it rather educational for children, I think. I truly enjoyed reading it.   - Spidey

What a delightful story - excellent use of personality names and characters in the four different bird varieties.

Excellent repetition of phrasing. Especially in a children's story.

  • "One, two, three, look at me, I can fly!"
  • "Rosella screeched. Yellow Crested Cockatoo squawked and Pink Galah squealed."

I really like the emphasis placed on all their differences, including appearances, and the persistence to keep trying. Well done and hope to see this beautifully illustrated in the children's department of my local bookstore soon.  - Glenda, Country Granny.

It's been a few years, but Glenda might just get her wish yet! "Emma the Eager Emu" will be available for purchase in the next week or two from this website and hopefully a few local bookstores soon too!

"Emma the Eager Emu" is a beautifully illustrated picture book suitable for ages 3 and beyond. Although as an advocate of reading from as early an age as possible (even birth) why not start reading Emma to your little ones as early as possible. Not only will they love it, you will too!

Beware of Drop-Bears! A Short Story

As Aussie kids we all grew up hearing tales of the mythological creature the "Drop-Bear." A mysterious and ferocious man-eating koala that would drop from the top of gum trees to attack unsuspecting bushwalkers. We tell the story to overseas tourists as they embark all excited on hikes through our countryside and warn them that their only form of protection is vegemite smeared behind their ears. Vegemite being that all Australian favourite spread that we have on toast for breakfast that only a true Aussie can appreciate the taste of. With my new book "Alien Shenanigans,"due to be released next month, I wrote a short story with our reluctant hero David Bradberrie and his brothers, Brian and Simon. I put them camping in the bush one night just to see what might happen?

Below is the result. Hope you enjoy. :)

"Beware the Drop-Bear" was awarded First Place in the We Write For Kids Contest - Mar 2015.

Beware the Drop-Bear!

Drop bear signDavid yawned, reached for the roll of loo paper, the small shovel and torch, turned from the campfire and headed towards the line of gum trees not too far in the distance. He hadn’t walked far when his younger brother Simon, called out.

“Beware the drop-bear!’

David stopped in his tracks. He really needed to go. Was Simon teasing or should he ask what he meant? David chewed a fingernail, inhaled a deep breath and shuffled back towards the warmth and light of the fire. With a huff he sat back down beside his brothers.

“Need some company?” Brian, his older brother sniggered.

“I'm ten Brian, I can go to the loo on my own! I don't intend to go too far into the bush. Just tell me about the drop-bear before I go anywhere,” David glared at Simon. “Make it quick though, I really need to go.” David squirmed on the log where he sat. Brian handed him a stick with a toasted marshmallow and winked at Simon.

“Haven’t you heard of drop-bears? They’re kind of like giant koalas but scary man eating ones that drop down from the top of gum trees at night and attack when you least expect it.” Simon’s eyes popped as he raised his hands to gnash at the air. “People say they have really sharp fang-like teeth and razor sharp claws.”

“Best to spread some vegemite behind your ears before you go. Drop-bears don’t like vegemite.” Brian added.

Simon and Brian rolled on the ground laughing as David took a deep breath and crept back towards the trees, torchlight shining as wide as he could high into the treetops. He wasn’t prepared to walk quite as far in amongst the gum trees as he would have preferred, nor was he going to give them the satisfaction of needing Brian to go with him. The further in David crept, the darker it became. Privacy was optimal, but then again so was safety.

He chose a spot, left the torch shining upwards against a tree so that he could see above into the branches and began to dig his hole. He whistled a tune to try to calm his nerves.

When David reached to retrieve his torch it was no longer where he had left it. Light still lit the area, so where was the torch? He scanned the ground around the bottom of the tree but then realised the light was coming from above him. The tree branches swayed but there was no wind. He heard a scratching, clawing noise along with a low growl. David stepped back careful to watch where he trod and slowly raised his eyes to peer high into the branches. Sure enough a furry koala-like monster with pointed fang-like teeth sat huddled near the tree trunk and grasped within its jagged sharp claws was David’s torch.

The monsters beady eyes stared down at David with a ferocious glare. They seemed to glow in the torchlight as the monster shivered and made a loud groan that sounded to David like the noise came from deep within the pit of the monsters stomach.

David reached for the shovel and went to run but something made him stop and turn around for another look. The monster cuddled the torch as it spread a glow around the bush. The growl had changed to more like a hum.

David wasn't sure, but he thought he could see a hint of a tear trickle out of the corner of one of the monsters eyes.

“You don’t look so scary.” David took a step closer. “You do look a bit bigger than a normal koala and those claws do look awful sharp, but you don’t look like you wanna hurt me. Do you?” David reached out a hand to try to encourage the monster koala to climb down. There seemed to be an eternal pause while the monster stared at David. It refused to move.

David placed the shovel back on the ground at his feet. "See, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's ok to come down." He held his breath and glanced at the shovel to make sure he could grab it if he needed to.

The drop-bear didn’t drop on David’s head, instead it simply climbed down the trunk of the gum tree and stood to stare at David. “Can I have my torch back?” David asked as he tried to reach for the torch. The drop-bear shook its head and held the torch high and tight away from David.

“Are you afraid of the dark? Is that it?” David crouched and tried to reach for the bears paw. It nodded and cradled the torch close to its chest.“Would you like to come and sit by our fire where there's more light?” David continued to hold out his hand and took another deep breath. The creature blinked but refused to move. “You don’t want to hurt me,” David crossed his fingers behind his back. “And I promise not to hurt you. We’re all afraid of the dark sometimes, in fact I admit I don’t like it much myself. That’s why it’s good to have family and friends to keep you company.” David gave the monster a hesitant smile. He hoped the creature felt safe to join him. Again it didn't answer, or move.

“Ok then. “ David stretched and slowly turned away. “Tell you what, I’m going to walk back to camp now. If you like you can follow.” David took a few cautious steps forward.

He smiled as the torchlight began to follow all the way back behind him.

When David made it back to the campfire he sat on the log without a word. A little monster sat beside him and snuggled close.

Brian and Simon’s jaws both dropped. They jumped up and moved to the other side of the fire.

“Who’s afraid of drop-bears now? Have you got your jar of vegemite?” David laughed. “He’s just a bit scared of the dark that’s all." David reached for the stick he had used earlier and placed two marshmallows on the end of it. Happy to have made friends with a creature just as scared of the dark as himself he leaned forward to point the stick into the fire until they were both toasted nicely. He smiled at the drop bear beside him and handed him a toasted marshmallow.