Is it writer’s block?
Should you take a walk? Immerse yourself in nature? Listen to conversations in a coffee shop or park? Kids and animals can spark loads of ideas.
Struggling with writer’s block
Is it lack of motivation?
Sometimes you just need a little spark of imagination. Writing prompts can help here. Or asking what if questions. Make up a name and see where the character might lead you. Brainstorming can produce amazing results.
Spark of imagination
Perhaps it’s being too busy with other things?
There is always so many other things that need doing. Life can get in the way. Set aside time for yourself, whether it’s daily or weekly and don’t let shiny new things distract you, unless they are writing ideas.
Too busy to write
Lately I have been struggling with all the above.
I know I should be writing daily, and I do try to but sometimes life does get in the way, and that’s okay.
I have made an attempt to write a new picture book in the last few weeks. The idea was sparked by something my daughter-in-law said in attempt to stop my grandson from being frightened by a thunderstorm. I considered it for some weeks. Rested the idea while I completed a four week picture book writing course. Once the idea percolated for awhile, the problem, main characters and setting became clearer in my head. I woke one morning and was ready and able to write the first draft. I raced upstairs to my writing desk to put the words down on paper before I forgot them.
Thunder storms can be scary to little ones.
I’ve also been busy learning how to totally self publish on my own. This has been a huge learning curve and taken up a great deal of my time. My earlier books were all published through a self-publishing company. Fossil Frenzy was published through my own imprint, but I still had help with the graphic design, formatting, editing and printing. This time I needed to learn how to use Ingram Spark. My Adamson Adventures 1, Secrets Hidden Below is now out of stock and as my publisher no longer exists, I needed to learn how to reprint it myself, both in paperback and ebook. I thought it would be available again by now, and through Amazon etc, but I am still waiting approval from Ingram Spark. I have my fingers crossed that I did everything correctly.
Secrets Hidden Below, the Adamson Adventures 1.
I have decided I let myself slip into too much FOMO as I continually sign up for writing courses and workshops. These are all wonderful opportunities but again, they too are distracting me from writing. By the time I listen and take notes on everything, I feel like I am constantly chasing my tail, forever trying to catch-up. It’s time to step back and learn to say no, I can’t do it all. I am not good at setting goals and planning weeks in advance, if I want to continue to write, I must set the time aside instead of trying to squeeze it in somewhere.
There’s always a Zoom session, Facebook live chat or writing workshop to learn something from.
From now on I will write to those weekly writing prompts in one of my writing groups. I managed one this week for the first time in months. It’s amazing how a prompt can get words flowing, the mind stimulated and the fingertips buzzing. It even motivated me to start thinking more about the Adamson Adventures 4. I am excited to start the writing process for this next adventure soon.
What do you do when you struggle to write?