Some years ago, I can’t even remember exactly when, I started the process of planning to write a monthly newsletter. I even had a few people sign up. Over the years that number of sign-ups has slowly grown. Out of the blue, I will receive a notification that I have another one. But have I actually written one single newsletter and sent it out? No, nothing, nada, not one.
Person trying to come up with an idea or two. I think I need your help.
Should I be writing a monthly newsletter? All the experts in marketing tell me I should. They say if I want to increase my readership and expand my brand, I should be giving my tribe of followers something worthwhile to keep them interested and engaged. Then when I release a new book, they will be more likely to feel confident in purchasing it as they will have confidence in me and what I have to say.
I know all this. I also know I should be giving away a freebie to encourage people to join up. It’s not as if I am new to the concept. After all, it is marketing 101. So why don’t I bite the bullet and just do it?
I read lots of other authors newsletters. I study what they include. The trouble is, I want to write something different. Something that you can look forward to when you find it in your email box. Something that you will find interesting, worthwhile, valuable and want to open and read.
A monthly newsletter coming directing to your inbox. Would you open it?
That’s why I don’t want to do what everyone else does. Most writers write about this writing life. Events they have been to, books they have read. Helpful writing tips and even ways to get published. These are all wonderful, but I can’t help but ask the question, is this going to engage my target audience?
Who is my target audience? While I really appreciate the generosity of fellow authors who follow me and buy my books, let’s admit it, they do help spread the word when they write great reviews, they are not my target audience. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and teachers are my true target audience. These are the people who decide what books to buy for their children. So the question is, what do they want to read and learn from me?
Together I hope we can come up with a few ideas.
Should I be writing a monthly book review?
Share a reading tip or two?
Suggest a helpful reading activity or strategy?
A motivational reading quote?
Should I add sneak peaks from inside my published books or snippets from my works in progress?
Would it be a good idea to include a teaching resource for one of my books?
As someone who buys children’s books for kids or yourself, what would you look for or want to read in a monthly newsletter from me?
Please let me know in the comments below. I need and value your help. Together we just might see a newsletter finally coming your way soon.